Aspects of care are a common conceptual thread across my projects. For example, I was inspired by the cultural and ancestral care performed during Dia de Muertos, an annual tradition celebrated by my culture. I began a collaborative installation series with Dr. Ace Lehner called Por Vidx, with our most recent collaboration, Sweet Blue, shown in 2020. In this piece, we wove in aesthetics found in not only West Coast Mexican-American culture but also aesthetics commonly found in queer culture. This highly decorated piece was adorned with sequins, tin foil, and an array of vibrant colors in this altar, covered entirely in fabric. A fabric banner across the top of the piece read, “Todo mi amor y más,” a quote from the Selena song, “Dreaming of You,” an iconic song routinely performed in drag performances. In an additional act of care for the viewer, we invited audience participation by inviting contributors to leave a picture or a written offering for passed loved ones. Other materials found in the altar series included disco balls, fabric flowers, doilies, fringe, and tulle.
Titular photo Installed at El Museo del Barrio, New York, NY. Photo by Dave Jeffers.